Snapshot of our Operations

Rooster Poultry inaugurated a state-of-the-art primary processing line in May 2024 with a processing capacity of 6,000 chickens per hour.

Looking ahead, over the next three years, the company is slated to invest significantly in capital projects. These investments will fuel our expansion efforts and ensure seamless business continuity by acquiring essential equipment to optimize operations across all our sites.

To safeguard against potential biosecurity risks, rigorous measures are enforced at all site locations. While visitors are welcome to tour multiple designated sites within the same day, certain locations require a mandatory two-day interval before re-entry if visitors have previously visited another site. These measures underscore our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of biosecurity and operational integrity.

  • Rearing Farm

Parent flock at day-old are sourced from New Zealand. They undergo a meticulous rearing process spanning five months at our rearing farm. Our goal during this period is to ensure optimal growth, uniformity, and health by carefully managing their weight and health. These parents will eventually lay eggs which will be hatched for chicken production.

The parents are vaccinated. This proactive approach not only enhances the well-being of the parents but also strengthens the immune systems of their offspring at our broiler farms, ultimately contributing to the production of healthier chickens.

  • Breeding Farm

Parent stocks from the rearing farm are welcomed after completing their five-month growth period. Upon reaching 21 weeks, male chickens are relocated to the breeding farm, while females are transferred at 22 weeks. This strategic timing serves two key purposes:

a) Allowing males to establish territorial dominance.
b) Facilitating a seamless transition to different feeding systems.

This approach ensures that males are acclimated before the introduction of females, preserving their fertility and optimizing breeding success.

  • Hatchery Plant

A facility dedicated to the artificial incubation of chicken eggs, providing optimal conditions for hatching and early development.

  •  Processing Plant

Serves as the hub for processing, packaging, and storage of chickens before they are distributed to retailers.